Can Fasting Electrolytes be used for Keto Diets?
Absolutely! Fasting Electrolytes, or Fast Lyte for short, is a perfect substitute source of electrolytes for Keto and Fasting diets. They are sugar free and come from completely natural mineral sources. The only difference is how much electrolytes you drink while on Keto. Because you are intaking electrolytes through food already, you don’t need as much as when you are fasting, when you are consuming nothing. Use them to supplement any diet.
What are the health benefits of fasting and why are electrolytes needed?
There are many health benefits to fasting including giving your body a break from digesting food, reducing inflammation, and autophagy; the way the body cleans out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. This can be beneficial if you are suffering from metabolic conditions. Fasting also accompanies a great deal of weight loss as a result of not eating and your body shifting from glucose burning to ketone burning. These processes burn large quantities of fat which is used by your body as energy. Because you are not intaking any food, you are not intaking any electrolytes either. This means that you will start feeling sluggish, or drained, and have what people call the Keto Flu. Essentially, drinking electrolytes helps you reap the benefits of fasts without feeling like a total wreck.
How are electrolytes, ketosis, and keto flu related?
Having enough electrolytes in your diet helps your body to continue functioning normally in spite of transitioning into ketosis. Without electrolytes, it is difficult to ease into Ketosis, and diminish the symptoms of the Keto Flu - a result of your body switching its metabolic system into ketosis where fat is transformed into ketones as an energy source. Drinking electrolytes help your body through this process by replenishing your electrolytes and combating the symptoms of the Keto flu.
How to get Electrolytes on Keto?
It is easy to get electrolytes on Keto with Fast Lyte. Simply mix the electrolyte powder into water into a solution of your taste, and drink throughout your day. Bear in mind how much sodium you are getting from your diet, and adjust your solution so that you are not overdoing either the potassium or the sodium. It is sometimes hard to get in enough salt or potassium while on Keto so drinking electrolytes is a very convenient way to supplement your diet.
How do fasting electrolytes taste?
If you’ve never tried a fasting electrolyte drink before, it is on the salty side due to the high electrolyte concentration, as is intended primarily for fasting. However, when you dilute it by mixing it into 2 liters you will barely tell. Not only is it good for fasting, they can diminish the effects of the keto flu, help electrolyte deficiencies, and help rehydrate after intense workouts/sports when needing to replenish salts lost through sweat.
Do I need to use Electrolytes while Intermittent Fasting?
You don’t necessarily need electrolytes if you are going to fast for short periods of less than 24 hours as your electrolyte reserves have likely not been depleted. However, depending on how you feel during your intermittent fast you may want to supplement with extra electrolytes. This is specially the case if you are doing intense workouts or depleting your electrolytes via sweating, in particular salt. Some people feel drained while intermittent fasting specially in the morning or during workouts. Drinking electrolytes may help alleviate some of these symptoms and allow you to perform better during your workouts or during your fast.